Roadworks monitor Baustellenatlas ensures efficient construction
The BSA was launched with the objective of identifying roadworks that are planned to take place at the same place or time. After ten months, infrest already registers 4,596 overlapping incidents with potential for conflict. This figure includes medium-term and long-term construction plans as well as current roadworks. 541 of the medium-term and long-term plans are overlapping, 36 of which have already been fully coordinated. The different constructors have already liaised on their own in order to benefit from each other and avoid conflicts. The overarching goal is to avoid or reduce traffic jams, redundant planning and building delays. One example: Thanks to Baustellenatlas, BVG (main public transport company in Berlin), Berliner Wasserbetriebe (company providing water and sanitary services in Berlin), Stromnetz Berlin GmbH (company responsible for power supply in Berlin) and NBB Netzgesellschaft Berlin Brandenburg mbH und Co. KG (company responsible gas distribution network in Berlin) have been able to coordinate their building works in the area surrounding Treskowallee and S-Bahn stop Karlshorst. Without coordination, constructors could face unexpected problems. For example, after construction or infrastructure measures are completed on a given road, the same road is barred from being dug up again for several years. However, exemptions from this ban (Aufgrabeverbot in German) on a state level apply for the telecommunications sector according to the Telecommunications Act, which is valid for all of Germany.
Authorities, construction planners and transmission system providers already have access to 651 incidents that have been registered directly with the Baustellenatlas as well as 7,800 other incidents that have been copied over from the <link - external-link-new-window "Opens external link in new window">Leitungsauskunftsportal</link> (line help desk). Before construction begins, constructors can use the latter to check where underground piping has been laid. After the successful launch in Berlin, infrest is looking to implement Baustellenatlas in other German cities as well.