Innovation labs in Berlin
Berlin offers a fertile basis for successful innovation processes. With the study "Innovation and Creative Labs in Berlin - a stocktaking: Spaces and Events as Interfaces of Innovation and Creativity", Projekt Zukunft provided a comprehensive overview of the places for the development of innovative ideas in Berlin. The list of Innovations Labs in Berlin is updated at least quarterly.
What categories of innovation labs are there in Berlin?
- Accelerators/incubators
- Company-driven digital think tanks
- Hubs/ competence centers
- University- or research-related labs
- Grassroot Labs
Check out the Innovations Labs on the Map:
The map is also available as a fullscreen page at reachable.
Operators of Innovations Labs that are not yet on the list can apply to Projekt Zukunft via the Contact form report. The location will then be added.
Studies/additional info:
- PDF: Inno Labs Berlin (Auswahl)
- PDF: Studie "Innovations- und Kreativlabs in Berlin"
- PDF: Studie "Labs als neue Treiber von Innovation"
- PDF: Publikation The Hundert "Old meets New Economy"
- PDF: Studie Inkubatorenprogramme in der Energiewirtschaft
- PDF: Studie Open Creative Labs in Deutschland
- PDF: Trends in der Unterstützungslandschaft...
Funding Opportunities (Selection):
- Website: Berliner Startup Stipendium
- Website: Förderung von Gründerzentren über das GRW-Programm
- Website: GründungsBonus (bis zu 50.000 Euro Zuschuss)
- Website: PROFIT Frühphasenfinanzierung
- Website: CoachingBonus