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Neural search - a completely new way of searching
Three start-ups from Berlin are making neural search accessible for developers and companies. More
Stephan Neumann
E-mail: barrierefreiheit@senatskanzlei.berlin.de
Phone: (030) 9026 2365
The Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region, with its broad and diverse scientific landscape, uniquely maps the entire research pipeline of AI, from basic mathematical and neuroscientific research (Matheon, Math+, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin - BCCN, Exzellenzcluster Science of Intelligence) to Basic research on big data and machine learning through to application-oriented research and technology development (DFKI, ECDF, BIH, Zuse Institut, Fraunhofer Leistungszentrum Digitale Vernetzung, HPI, GFZ, HTW, Beuth Hochschule). In addition, there are central research facilities and platforms for examining and discussing the social implications of AI, such as the Weizenbaum Institute or the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, as well as various social think tanks (iRights, Stiftung Neue Verantwortung, D 21). With the newly created AI competence center BIFOLD (Berlin Institute for Foundations of Learning and Data, merged from Berlin Big Data Center and Berlin Center for Machine Learning) Berlin has an international flagship institute for basic research on AI.
However, Berlin is not only Germany's leading AI research location, it is also the startup capital and offers the highest density of AI startups in a nationwide comparison. Between 2012 and 2017, 48% of Germany's AI startups were founded in Berlin-Brandenburg. Many of these startups have emerged from the Berlin research laboratories. The extremely lively and active startup community regularly attracts large and internationally recognized AI developer conferences such as the Rise of AI, Flink Forward, die Data Natives or Cube Tech to Berlin.
Compared to other German cities, Berlin is much more attractive for young people and international talent, is considered a cosmopolitan, tolerant and dynamic city. The high attractiveness factor, combined with a broad and strong university landscape, is also the reason for the unbroken attractiveness of Berlin as a location for research and innovation labs of large German companies and increasingly also international IT groups, which additionally enrich the ecosystem and increase its attractiveness.
Berlin is the start-up capital and at the same time a digital think tank for corporate groups. Nowhere in Germany is there a comparable density of research groups, co-working spaces, incubators, accelerators, and research and innovation labs.
In addition to promoting science and research in the field of AI, the State of Berlin supports the networking of diverse AI actors by setting up an AI hub together with the Deutschen Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, DFKI) This HUB is intended to network, create international visibility, become a common "experimentation room" for science and industry and civil society, and lastly, it should strengthen Berlin's participation in important national and international AI initiatives and programs.
In order to better understand the effects of AI on Berlin's economy, the state commissioned two studies from the Berlin Technology Foundation. The first study entitled “Artificial Intelligence in Berlin and Brandenburg” was published in 2018 and offers a ready overview of the technology field AI in the metropolitan region. The second study, which is to be published in 2020, examines how the knowledge and technology transfer of artificial intelligence can be strengthened in Berlin and what hurdles there are for small and medium-sized companies in the implementation of AI applications.
In addition, formats such as coding workshops or application workshops for funding are organized via the Berlin ICT, Media and Creative Industries (IMK) business cluster as well as the content hub www.ki-berlin.de has been established in 2018.
© Deepset
Three start-ups from Berlin are making neural search accessible for developers and companies. More
Malte Kosub, Founder of Future of Voice
© Future of Voice
”How good an idea really is is always decided by the market.” More
Kirill Krupin, Business Development Manager MatchX
© Kirill Krupin
"Our mission is to make cities more efficient, healthier, more liveable and cleaner." More