Show slots for MBFW July 2018
Since 2008, the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises/Project Future has been granting presentation slots for the Berlin Fashion Week. So far, more than 100 emerging and established Berlin fashion labels were offered the opportunity to present their collections to an international audience, win new buyers and achieve a high medial impact in the course of the Berlin Fashion Week.
For July 2018, another three show slots will be granted for the MBFW. Designers from Berlin can apply directly <link - - "Opens internal link in current window">here</link>
for this media-effective opportunity to make themselves known at
The MBFW will take place at ewerk Berlin-Mitte from 2-5 July 2018. In January, Mercedes-Benz and the creative agency Nowadays presented their new Fashion Week format for the first time. All shows will be broadcast in real-time on screens outside the event location and thus made available not only to expert audience, but also to end consumers. Learn more about MBFW here:
Who can apply? (Requirements for participation)
- Fashion labels based in Berlin
- Development, manufacturing and marketing of so far at least two fashion collections under the relevant label
Criteria of the jury
- unique characteristics of the brand/collection
- unique selling points for the design (USP)
- production capacity of the fashion label
- quality and marketability of the collections
Fashion labels selected by a jury of experts will receive the following benefits
- provision of show venue to implement their fashion show within MBFW Berlin
- lighting equipment and sound system
- audio direction and coordination
- backstage team with model coordinator and dressing team
- hair and make-up team with look test and implementation of styles on the day of the show
- access passes for team, models and invited media representatives
- integration into communication channels of the MBFW event (website & Instagram)
- appearance in the MBFW event calendar
What services will the designers who are granted the show slots have to provide themselves?
- Organising model casting and fitting
- Bearing the model booking costs
- Providing the fashion show collection in time in consultation with the event organiser (MBFW)
- Providing music for entrance, show and final round for the fashion show (incl. GEMA registration)
- Guest management and seating for the guests invited by the fashion label
- Choreography for the fashion show
Apply now!
Designers based in Berlin can apply directly for this media-effective opportunity to make themselves known at <link - external-link-new-window "Opens internal link in current window">
</link>.The closing date is at 11 pm on 28th May 2018.
Submission documents
If interested, kindly submit the following documents (in digital format as PDF file/maximum size 5 MB/no single images, and only summarized as a lookbook in PDF format):
- Letter of motivation
- CV of the designer
- 2 lookbooks from the previous collections
- List of the collection’s current selling points
After the end of the application period, the jury consisting of
- Jessica Weiß, Journelles
- Christine Korte, fashion journalist, for Harper’s Bazaar, Refinery 29 and others
- Marcus Kurz, MBFW
- Tanja Mühlhans, Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises
will determine the fashion labels to present their collections in the course of MBFW in July 2018.
until 25 May 2018
application phase
28 May – 4 June 2018
requests and decision of the jury
4 – 8 June 2018
press release and announcement of the selected fashion labels
2 – 5 July 2018
Contact/ further questions
Tanja Mühlhans
Head of creative, media and digital economy/ Project Future
Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises
Mail: <link>
</link>Phone: 030/ 9013-8335
Tanja Mühlhans
Leitung Kreativ- und Medienwirtschaft, Digitalwirtschaft, Projekt Zukunft